Car Transport

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  • Car Transport

Dawsons can arrange transport and storage of motor vehicles, trailers, boats, bikes and caravans Australia wide and even overseas.

When transporting your vehicle you’ll enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your vehicle will be handled by experienced professionals. Simply let one of our professional move specialists know what your vehicle transport requirements are and we’ll organise the relevant transportation.

Removal Tips

Packing and Labeling
  • Label boxes on all sides so you can see what it contains in a stack without having to move everything around.
  • Clearly mark boxes containing fragile goods.
  • Pack a suitcase with clothes and toiletries like you’re going on a trip for a few days.
  • Make sure pets have ID tags on their collars.
Moving Out
  • Contact all relevant authorities to notify of your new address.
  • Return all library books, DVD's etc.
  • Arrange transfer of bank accounts, internet, telephone, gas, electricity connections.
  • Fill prescriptions needed the week before and after the move.
  • Service your car, drain the lawnmower.
  • Arrange final readings of gas and electricity meters, remove batteries.
  • Discontinue any delivery services, newspapers, automated payment plans and local memberships. Collect dry cleaning.
  • Leave a note or small gift for new residents.
  • Create a packet for new residents with owner's manuals and warranties for appliances.

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